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At Stracci Law you are not just a number. You are a person who needs help, and we'll treat you like a friend and a member of our family. Our experienced attorneys will explore every conceivable avenue to make sure that the insurance companies compensate you for your injuries.


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Who is responsible?

Who will pay for my future treatments?

Where do I turn for help?

How can I afford my hospital bills?

Will my life ever be the same again?

Who will take care of my family?

Do I really need an attorney?

What about my lost wages?

Stracci Law Group is here to answer those questions and to make sure that you feel secure in the knowledge that we will relentlessly pursue the maximum possible recovery to compensate you for your injuries.


Insurance companies are calling me and telling me they will give me money if I talk to them and sign a few papers. 
What should I do? 

Don't talk to them. . .

Call us.


Insurance companies will take advantage of unrepresented parties. They will ask you to make statements that they will record to weaken your case against them.   

The adjuster seems so nice and helpful. . .
and I could really use the money.
Why shouldn't I trust him?

Don't trust them. . .

Call us.

Insurance companies hire adjusters who are trained to convince you to take less than your case is worth. They are making you an offer for their benefit - not yours. They want you to settle the case without an attorney. 

The insurance company is offering me money now with no attorney fees. 
Is it really worth hiring a lawyer?

Don't be fooled. . .

Call us.

According to a recent survey, on average, a represented party receives 3 times the money -- even after they they pay their attorney's fees 

No Risk, No Surprises

There are no upfront fees or hidden costs when Stracci Law Group represents you.  We accept personal injury and wrongful death matters on contingency; which means we only get paid when we recover money for you.   

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